Driveway to residence
Standard driveway- We pour all our driveways to a depth of at least 4 inches of concrete with a minimum of 4 inches of compacted sand over a rock base. This gives it the needed base for durability. It is reinforced with 3/8 inch rebar on 3-4 foot centers, to prevent driveway from breaking apart during the freeze/thaw cycles of an Illinois winter. Control joints are placed with a soft cut saw or hand tooled. We apply one coat of Cure and Seal to all outside drives as soon as it is hard enough to walk on, typically the same day. We do not recommend driving on it for at least 1 week so it can cure properly and gain strength, longer if the weather is below 70 degrees. The cooler the temperature, the longer the curing process takes. Uncured concrete does not have the strength to withstand too much weight.